Animal Husbandry
Animal Husbandry is the science of managing animal livestock. It Involves feeding, breeding and controlling diseases in farm animal by using high end products. Animal husbandry involves the rearing animals like cattle, dairy, poultry and fish to obtain desired products from them.
Animal Husbandry has always been known as a human invention. It is the process by which animals are breed in a certain manner so they are more useful in different capacities. The processes of breeding vary, depending on the situation of the animal. However, progressive science has come up with many different techniques such as Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transferring services.
We at ZAG, are focusing on Reproduction of Dairy Animals through High Pedigree Dairy Bulls.
Now ZAG Impex is representing &
as their Sole Distributors in Pakistan for their complete range of Dairy & Beef Semen.
Dairy Bovine Semen
ZAG Impex International have taken Immense step in Dairy Industry of Pakistan by introducing &
both companies are sister company and working extensively to produce top quality of Dairy Bovine Semen to produce high yield animals with improved and strong genetics. We are confident that Progeny from their produced semen will perform well in our climate and give better results than any other company’s progeny.
All Sires are fully tested before producing semen for any possible diseases and were found negative. We at ZAG Impex doing our outmost to handle the semen in its original condition with all due diligence and deliver in same condition as they are being shipped from production facility to achieve best results according to the company’s claims.
For Selection of your choice of Dairy Bulls please download our Sire Catalogues from following links.
Alfalfa Hay
Alfalfa Hay has proved to be one of the most beneficial forms of intake for countless livestock and feeding animals. Its feed value is stated to be the most sustained due to its high concentration of nutrients such as protein and calcium setting itself apart from others.
We believe that these nutrients in-turn largely affects the growth of the animal, keeping it healthy and stable. One of the advantages that were highly considered by our organization is that Alfalfa Hay is not just for a few animals but is also utilized for many animals that transition from one stage to another. Hence, animals that are lactating are widely benefited from such an intake as well.
Alfalfa Hay primarily comes under the category of Legume Hay which is extremely rich in fiber. The most effective feature of such a form of Hay is that it continues to stimulate appetite in animals causing it to be very valuable in terms of taste and quality. Moreover, we ensure that the quantity of fiber present is just the amount to keep an animal’s digestive system in order.
Alfalfa Hay is most commonly used in Horses, Chicken, Turkeys, Cows and Beef Cattle. It’s further sub-categorized as Forged Legume Hay which is widely used in many parts of the world such as the United States of America. It’s yielding potential and versatility has made it extremely popular not only for the consumption of many forms of animals but also as a soil improver.
The available forms of Alfalfa Hay depend on many different aspects. However, they are most commonly observed in types such as Cubes, Pellets, Bales and Chopped. Being such a widely endorsed plant, Alfalfa Hay has exceeded its pro’s in becoming well established within the market and within our organization as well.
Rhode Grass
Rhode grass is an adaptive and consistent form of grass that has been ideal for Pakistan’s environment. It has been proven to be extremely useful during drought conditions. Its dynamic root system ensures it to extract water from within making it more suitable in certain weather conditions. Additionally, this feature of aggressive growth makes it effective in acidic or sandy soils with low fertility.
Rhode grass is known for its perennial characteristics as it is able to survive in many seasons due to the regeneration of seeds. It is also known to be extremely salt tolerant and is able to cater to water salinity problems. On the other hand, it has low tolerance for water logging and flooding.
Rhode grass normally spreads readily by runners and has become a positive feature when it comes to controlling erosion due to lands with high ph value. Primarily, it is seen usually being utilized for grazing or being cut for hay. However, in certain circumstances it is also used as a form of feed.
Many trials have shown that Rhode grass is considered to be established easily with surface planting as opposed to other forms of grass. It also serves to be extremely beneficial when mixed with its companion, legume.
The preparation of Rhode Grass normally takes about 30-35 days only, making it an extremely efficient and quick way to harvest. For farmers, Rhode grass is perceived as reliable because they are able to utilize the grass sooner for their cattle and livestock.
Rhode grass is an exceptional choice when it comes to the production of different forms of grass. Its unvarying availability and rapid growth has proven to be extremely epigrammatic timely. Likewise, it is known for its roughness and maturity which makes it an optimal choice of hay production.
Maize, more commonly known as Corn in certain parts of the world is an extremely beneficial cereal grass for the consumption of both animals and humans. It is developed and produced by a wild grass known as Teosinte.
Being an annual cereal grass, Maize has outdone other forms of grass with its pluses. It seems to be much more productive and is able to be utilized for larger populations ensuring higher yield value in a single harvest.
As stated above, Maize can be used for both animal and human consumption. However, Maize has certain different values based on their usage and consumption. Now in modern days Maize is using in many ways to get maximum nutrition and feed value and reduce bio-waste.
Corn Silage
Corn Silage is a form of extremely high-quality forage crop that can be used easily on certain cattle and dairy farms. This particular crop can be very practical for livestock producers, especially those who comprise of large number of herds. The consistency of Corn Silage ensures that the quality produced is unparalleled as it contains much more energy than any other forage crop.
The process of harvesting this crop puts all consumers to an advantage. In normal circumstances, it requires less amount of labor and machinery since it takes approximately only one yielding activity. This is not only cost effective but also intends saves time. In addition to being cost effective in terms of labor, this high yielding crop will also in the long run require less feed to be arranged for the cattle due to its immensely high content of energy.
Corn Silage is most suited for cows, amongst all beef cattle. The feed provided is usually easy to digest and is extremely high on nutrients, ensuring an adequate amount of energy. Moreover, under developed cattle can also benefit from this wholesome diet.
One of the most appealing parts observed about Corn Silage is that it is complimented best with our other product known as Alfalfa Hay. Alfalfa Hay and Corn Silage share a correlation, where one lacks in one nutrient while the other gains in one. Despite having certain varied nutrients, Alfalfa Hay has a higher quantity of protein than Corn Silage, while Corn Silage is able to yield more biomass than Alfalfa. Both used as substitutes or complimentary products can almost always guarantee a more balanced feed for the desired cattle.
Corn Silage is not only well-known for its energy potent nutrients, but is also considered as one of the most toothsome feeds for the cattle!
Feed Grade Yellow Maize Grain
Being a supplement or silage of animal feed, Maize acquires extremely high energy content that helps in the animal’s milk consumption as well. This is because it tends to be more effective than any other low form of supplement. This not only benefits the diet of the cattle but is also favorable for farmers or consumers. They are able to invest in high quality feed without having the need to add more supplements to the diet, keeping their costs relatively effective.
Certain types of cattle feed contains maize, what is termed as Rumen Health, which causes indigestion within them. Mostly Dry Maize Grain use for crushing and adding in Dairy & Poultry feed for high nutrition and feed value. Furthermore, Maize is best suited for milking and dry cows, but can be used for other cattle as well, depending on each individual case.
Human Consumption
For humans, Maize is stated as the fruits of cultivated grass. With its innumerable amount of nutrients and value it is one of the most popular forms of cereal consumption. Research indicates that Maize contains 72% starch, 10% protein and only 4% fat. Besides these predominant nutrients, it is also known for having several minerals and vitamins as well.
Humans consume Maize in different forms, although the most common forms to this day are still cornflakes and corn cob. Those individuals especially being in a developing nation and suffering from anemia are encouraged to more Maize consumption as it helps ameliorate iron deficiencies.
It is prevalent from the above facts that both humans and animals can be beneficial to a great extent when it comes to the consumption of Maize!
Wheat Straws
Wheat Straws are usually present after the wheat grains have become leftover canes. This is one of the most common forms of straws used as a supplement in animal feed. This is especially seen in South Asian countries like Pakistan.
Nutritionists believe that Wheat Straw is extremely recommended not just for those cattle that are lactating but also for those who are in transition or have a dry diet. For lactating cattle, Wheat Straw is beneficial because it effectively increases the quantity of fiber in the ration. This directly affects the rumination process and makes it easier for farmers or producers to have better digestible animal feed for lactating cattle.
One of the most common ways of restricting energy densities in certain situations of cattle is by adding Wheat Straw as supplement to the diet. Despite being a low-energy diet, mixed properly, it can be extremely useful in controlling the diet of the animals. Wheat Straw is also best suited with Corn Silage which is also a product provided by us. In addition to lowering energy densities, certain cases require potassium to be lowered as well. Wheat Straw has the quality of inhibiting potassium rates and ensuring that no digestive disorders take place.
Wheat Straw if utilized properly can be an extremely beneficial as a staple diet for the cattle. Moreover, it not only reduces diet intake but also helps in preventing over conditioning within these animals.
Wheat Straws usage is not just restricted towards the diet of cattle. It can also be used as a form of bedding due to its absorbent texture. Wheat Straw bedding is known worldwide as one of the best beddings because it keeps the area relatively cleaner despite the litter. It can later on also be used a fertilizer for graders, increasing its usage day by day.